I just got the final approval today on this most recent logo design. This is the type of logo design I really love, and rarely get to design. Simple and clean. More often than not, less really is more.
Since late December of last year, I’ve been working on illustrating a children’s book with a friend of mine which has kept me very busy. The book has a total of 26 pages, all of which have been fully conceptualized and sketched now. I had intended on having all of the pencil sketches scanned and digitized for document back-up purposes (and, quite frankly, because I love the look of sketches and always hate to ink over them. I really wanted to have a “snap shot” version of these illustrations in sketch form), but after getting a quote from the reprographics place, the author and I decided it wasn’t a necessity and wasn’t, therefore, worth the extra cost incursion. I’m a little bummed to be honest, but over $100 for nothing but scans just seemed absurd. If my sketches had been smaller, I could have done it myself at home for nothing, for heaven’s sake! Unfortunately for me, though, these sketches are 17”x14”… just a bit too large for your average scanner. So, I’m currently working on getting all of the sketches inked. Once that is finished, I’ll erase all the underlying pencil work (sniff, sniff) and then suck up the fact that they HAVE to be scanned (at least once) in order for me to continue working on them. When they’re scanned (or “digitized”) I can start the tedious task of vectorizing. That’s probably going to be the most time-consuming stage of this project, I think. Just one of these illustrations alone will probably take nearly 4-5 hours to vectorize, and I’ve got 26 of them to do. I’ve certainly got my work cut out for me.
Aside from the children’s book illustrations, I’m also still working with a company on the east coast on an invention that I started developing a few years ago. It’s nothing major, but its fun to mess with. Who knows if anything will come of it, but I’m learning a lot just by going through this process. This will be my second patent-pending project (the first being my LittleLDS software).
My Training Wheels stories have been sitting idly for a while, due to my focus on the children’s book project. Six of them have been fully written, and need to be illustrated. I’ve got ideas for more, but I’ll have to get back to them when I’m finished with my current children’s book illustrations are done. In the meantime, I’ve been keeping my eyes open for ways to market them. My gut feeling right now, is to NOT market them to the general public, but rather to an “Otaku” crowd first, like private schools, wealthy communities, and special-interest groups.
I’ve done a few logo designs this year. I’m currently wrapping up a logo design for one client, and eager to do more. I’ve come to a realization that logo design is where I really enjoy working the most. It pays well, it comes naturally to me, and EVERYONE and their dog is starting their own “business.” I love that the projects don’t last long and that everyone I work with is excited to work with me because my service represents an exciting new venture for their businesses. I love that it enables me to work from home (or anywhere a laptop goes for that matter), and that I have clients from all over the world. I plan on devoting a lot more time and creative effort into this area of my business.
LittleLDS coloring books and BigLDS t-shirts are pretty stagnant. Oddly enough, this isn’t disconcerting to me at all. I think it’s because they are finished products that I really don’t need to DO anything else with. It’s almost like they’re kids of mine that have grown up and left the house… off to make their way in the world and do their own thing. Of course I’m still concerned about them, but I figure a little time out there in the real world without my meddling might do them (and me) some good. Granted, they need a lot more marketing and advertising to become more noticed by the LDS community at large, but, even with NO marketing at all, I get a few sales here and there throughout the year. My interest doesn’t lie here right now, and I tend to skip around to where my interests lie. I’m sure it’ll return. In the meantime, meager sales will have to suffice.
I also haven’t done any Word Tangles in a long time. Similar to LittleLDS, I’m okay with that. The bait and hook are out there idling on an un-manned fishing pole in the pond of commerce. When the pole wiggles, (and always seems to a few times during the year) I’ll give it the attention it needs.
The Fulcrum Group, a think-tank-like resource, motivation and accountability management group that I organized, still meets regularly and is still one of the best things I’ve done for the productivity of my own business. Because of this group, I’ve been able to stay on target with my illustration project and stay motivated entrepreneurially. As the head of the organization, I’m responsible for each meeting – preparing a weekly agenda, motivational discussions, buzz topics, and project accountability – I’m not just helping others stay motivated and moving forward… its working for me too! I’m on target with my weekly goals, which will turn into success with my yearly goals. In a very direct, and yet unplanned way, running this group has started preparing and positioning me to be a type of Idea Cultivation Coach of sorts. There may be something in that for me in the future.
Finally, my latest effort has been the development of my new blog, ListQuest. This has been an exciting new way for me to push myself just a little further into the multifaceted world of investing and income-generation. ListQuest is a place where I can write all the things I’m researching about multiple streams of income. As its name implies, it’s my own personal quest to acquire as many streams of income as I have on my list. Things like precious metals, tax-lien certificates, intellectual properties, etc… I’m hoping that as I write what I learn, I’ll be able to give new insight to those who might not otherwise discover some of these ways to generate passive income. The idea is to help others shorten their learning curve in these areas while I do the leg work. What’s in it for me? Well, I love to write, I love to learn, I love to teach, and I love the subject of economics. It’s a good fit.