Real Men of Genius
...Real Men of Genius...
Today, we salute you, Mr. Deluxe-Comfort Design Chair-Inventor.
...Mr. Deluxe-Comfort Design Chair-Inventor!
Whoever said sitting at a computer all day is a pain in the butt obviously didn't have your vision for ergonomic cyber comfort. Why take a break, when you haven't exerted any physical effort all day. Carpel tonal, please! You can design entire cities without flexing a single muscle!
...I'm sinking into a coma...
Forget standing up to stretch your legs during the work day... In fact, forget exerting your self at work ever again. Thanks to your "Ergo-Throne", now you have a way to stay immobile for whole pay periods at a time. Reclining seats…Adjustable monitors… Back massager… Intravenous hydration drip...A catheter and colostomy bag... Now all you need some hospice care and a spounge bath.
...Is it atrophy or rigamortis?
So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Oh King of Comfortable Computing! Because, while your mind can handle complex design computations, it should never have to handle another simple muscle maneuver again.
...Mr. Deluxe-Comfort Design Chair-Inventor!
Anheuser Busch, St. Louis, Missouri.
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