Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Working for money

Last night Kim and I had an interesting discussion about the present and future of Tyed Art, Inc. and LittleLDS. I was expressing to her my great satisfaction at having just secured a new working relationship with PostNet last Saturday. I had walked into the store to find out what it would cost to ship 150 LittleLDS CDs to my new distributor in Salt Lake City, but ended up talking to the owner of the franchise about graphic design. I've been a client of hers for a while now, but after discovering what it is, exactly, that I do she told me that she frequently had little graphic design side jobs come in that she had to contract out and that it was cumbersome for her to do so because she didn't have one go-to guy. To make a long story short, we ended up shaking hands on a little deal that would enable her to pass the work along to me. She couldn't pay much, but didn't really have to as the work was pretty simple and would end up equating to good hourly money for me. A win/win relationship.

After telling Kim about this new source of income, we started talking about how stretched for time I already am these days. Between work in my yard (a HUGE undertaking), designing logos, working 12 hours per day at my full-time job, and trying to move forward with CD#4 of LittleLDS, I'm feeling a bit drawn and quartered. I have to fight to find time to eat, sleep, and play with my girls. It would seem, that in all the excitement of securing new business, I have neglected a very important rule of basic Kiyosaki 101... In fact, it's rule #1; "The rich don't work for money. Money works for them."
In other words, while securing work with PostNet might represent a good business relationship and good source of extra income, it really is only good if I want to keep depending on having to work.... and I don't. Not really. What I want is to eventually get to a stage when I can work - or NOT work - as I please without effecting my ability to sustain my standard of living.

It's time to get back to what I know. Time to get back to "minding my own business" and planting the seeds of my retirement. Time to stop working for money, and start making money work for me. The poem was written especially for this post.

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